Thursday, October 18, 2012

#2 Cameron Highland

It's been 2 years since our very first trip together. The trip to Penang (later yaaa!) :)

This time, definitely beach is a N-O.
Finally came up with an idea lies within the budget, and here we go...

Bertolak seawal pagi, sebab nak sampai on top before noon. Halfway, ada technical problem sikit and need to drop by a workshop, jumpa bengkel motor (susah nak cari since weekend), but the queue took us forever. Pheww~

Since we didn't make any hotel reservations, as usual, nak travel selamba sangat, kononnya nak walk-in jer, but after 2 3 full house, mula lah contact here and there for help! Memang macam ni lah selalunya. (T.T)

We're in need of lunch, tapi otak semua orang fikir HOTEL jer.
Taa-dddaaa, finally there's 1 room left kat Star Regency.
Spacious room + Affordable price = Lucky ducky!
Bonus; The nearest to pasar malam sbb it is located right in front of the hotel

Snap Snip;

Teringin nak naik jeep tu sangat!
Mama happy kat Cameron, tak macam kat Penang. Hehe
Late lunch at Medan Selera.
Kat sini ada pak cik jual cakoi panjang, gebu, dan sedap!
Peminat daun dan teh. *_*
Mama & Mona
Sukaaaaa sangat taman ni.

Breakfast at Kea Farm.
Kedai ni banyakkk sangat peraturan.
Seronok tengok sayur berwarna warni. Borong.
Tempat ice-cream with s/berry topping paling best!
Tapi tutup. Ok sedih.
Rasa nak petik semua sekali. =D
Yang ni tak sedap macam tempat yang tutup tu.
Tapi, habisss juga.

Gambar wajib.

Looking forward to the next trip, InsyaAllah.
Thank you babe(s) for thick and thin, good and bad, times.
For never leaving me, For loving me.
"Husni Komari Nyonya Mansur, Mona A.Kamsan, Melah Munaweyr, Zainab Yaacop Omputeh"

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