Friday, February 14, 2014


After years of ups and downs, finally it's over. Today is such a beautiful day, Alhamdulillah for another chance to make today a better yesterday. Praise be to Allah, the Cherisher and Sustainer of the worlds; My utmost gratitude to my family and friends, for giving me the strength to keep going, for giving me hope when I discourage.

"And never give up hope of Allah’s Mercy. Certainly no one despairs of Allah’s Mercy,
except the people who disbelieve”

Itu copied dari status FB pagi tadi. Seriously, the most amahhzing feelings, sebenarnya bercampur, lega, happy, sedih, etc etc. Orang kata tears of joy gitu! Haha. Finally after berapaaaa tahun, semuanya sudah berakhir. Lepas ni takde dengar orang cakap "lamanya study" "aikk tak habis lagi" "bila nak habis" banyakkkknya cakap! Persoalan macam gini takkan habis sebenarnya. Sebab, confirm lepas ni soalan lain pula muncul dan terus lagi terus lagi dan lagi dan. =="

At first, masa tu fikir kalau further study dapat pergi tempat baru, new environment new life lah konon. I'd like to go for finance, tapi as usual ayah demand for accounting. Diploma pernah apply accounting, tapi rezeki dapat kat banking. Sebab ayah nak sangat I go for accounting, then apply and rezeki further in Shah Alam. Duration course jadi about 3-4yrs, sebab switch course tambah pula ada few carry papers. Haha.

Dugaan dari mula sampai habis belajar, until at one point memang rasa nak give up. Tapi masa tu lah, family and close friends bagi support untuk teruskan juga. Dari first semester, ada jer dugaan. To tell you, it's not easy for me to adapt with the new environment since I got no basic, but I trust myself and keep on going. But not everything is dugaan, ada masa exciting juga, seronok belajar benda baru, and the best thing is to know the path of ur career.

So, to anyone out there, yang on-going study, and feel like giving up, please don't do so. Think deeply how far u have come, do not simply turn it down. Trust urself, think about ur parents and loved ones, I'm not telling you it's going to be easy, but trust me, it's going to be worth. Don't let negativity rent space in your head. Think and act positively. Be a positive person, because life is too short to feel bad about urself. Enjoy every bits of it!

With that, I congratulate myself, for completing DEGREE IN ACCOUNTING (HONS.)

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